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Oceanic Imaginaries

building a shared, cross-discipline cluster of emerging scholarship on the ocean.

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Oceanic Imaginaries

Initiated by Stanford Global Studies, Oceanic Imaginaries is a new, multi-year initiative that adopts the world’s oceans as an analytical framework for advancing cross-regional, interdisciplinary research and activities addressing timely global topics. 

Serving as a shared platform for diverse maritime research, this project aggregates varying methodological tools, disciplinary orientations, and strategies of inquiry and seeks to transcend traditional barriers in the scholarly imaginations of a global oceanic future. 

Site Features

Past and Ongoing Research Projects, at Stanford and Beyond

Project Gallery

Explore our project galleryto discover the scholarly findings about different oceanic regions from various disciplines, where ideas sparkle and merge on a shared landscape. 

An diverse repository for research and exploration


Lists of meticulously curated bibliographies for you to navigate each of the five great oceans and draw inspiration from a diverse array of materials.                                                                             

Related undergraduate courses offered by Stanford University

Featured Courses

Identify and explore significant oceanic topics through a diverse range of undergraduate courses facilitated by Stanford faculties. Foster meaningful connections with peers who share your passion. 

Navigate and foster academic networks


A directory to discover and connect with accomplished scholars in diverse fields of maritime research. Explore their passions, contributions, and identify opportunities for potential outreach. 

Site news


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Seeking a chance to share your insights with enthusiastic scholars, artists, or peers? Stay updated on our latest featured events, encompassing performances, book talks, academic symposia, and beyond.


Land Acknowledgment 

Stanford University sits on the ancestral and unceded land of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe. This land was and continues to be of great importance to the Ohlone people. Consistent with our values of community and inclusion, we have a responsibility to acknowledge, honor, and make visible the University’s relationship to Native peoples.